

Sunday, April 29, 2012


昨天, 我去了 bersih 3.0 怡保的大集合。 我以为没有什么人去, 但是去到那边, 真的令我吓一跳! 望过去就是一片的黄色。 那场景是多么地震憾!

去到那边, 想分享在那边地情况给没有到地人知道, 结果呢, 电话打不到上不到网。 回到家才知道原来是有人block 了电话的网络。 原先以为是太多人抢线, 后来才知道有人做了卑鄙的手脚。

去到那, 真的会热血沸腾! 你会跟着一起喊口号! 因为你知道你是一分子。 怡保的大集合很合作, 当领导人说唱国歌, 是可以听到很多人用激昂的感情去唱。 我们并不是不爱国, 我们只想拥有个干净的国家。

相反的, 吉隆坡的朋友, 战士们, 他们被催泪弹和水炮攻击, 照成了很多的伤亡。 这不是我们想要的。 有朋友透露, 原先是圆满结束, 后来才发生意外的。

看到许多的脸书报道, 包括催泪弹原来早就被设放在LRT的下方, 难道警察们早就知道会照成暴动? 还有许多的打大人事件, 就算是那些人做错了, 也不该滥用私刑!

我们国家的主流媒体, 已经不能尽信, 相比国外的报道, 我觉得马来西亚不报比报还要好。连B?C的新闻也可以帮人修剪, 我真的对现在的主流媒体很失望。 也许你们是受到打压, 而作出这些行为。 但并不代表你们是对的, 如果还有些良心和公义, 请真实报道, 不要再误导那些没有上网, 到现场的观众了。

其实我很感动, 真的是那莫名的感动, 看到那些为这次的静坐活动所出力和支持的人, 知道我国是可以很团结的。 团结并不是一句口号, 而是不管你是什么肤色的人, 当你有苦难的时候, 都会伸出援手。

虽然今年我还没有可以投票, 但是我觉得我已出了一份力。 好比那些没到现场看个究竟只会再网上胡言乱语单单打打的人好几万倍! 公道自在人心。 我相信我们的国家还没有到最坏! 只要我们坚持! 我们会有更美好的将来!



看见人潮了吗? 这里只是一部分

虽然已经热到不行, 但是要坚持到完毕


I love My country, our Malaysia!

Sunday, April 22, 2012


最近真的肥了。 肥了。 肥了。 肥了。 肥了。 肥了。

没有骗你们的啦, 真的很肥了!

连脸都大一个号, 真的想撞墙!

都怪自己的口, 一直在吃, 真的不肥都难!

老公都在埋怨, 越要减肥的时候越有好料吃。 我只想美美过21岁生日。 可以吗?呜呜呜。

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Hang out with friends

Last sunday, Cindy, Ching and me went to the new Aeon. Ching and me go there together.
We so lucky, found parking very fast!! Hahaha

We found Cindy at Watson. The signal there really poor, use so long time to find Cindy because cannot call her,.

Then we walk around. We seems like Accompany Cindy to shopping. Lol
Cindy bought something whenever we went which shop. Hahahaha

Then after a while, Cindy want to try cloth in the shop. Hahaha. We spilt inside the fitting room and take picture.

Then we went to eat Kenny Rogers roaster, but Cindy sit awhile and went back with her parents. Ching and I having lunch there.

Then we walk again. After that I send ching back to her house. Lol, that's our day.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Genting trip on valentine 2012

Hubby zai and me gone to Genting this valentines!
The first valentines that we having at far away from our home.
We take a van to Genting. By the way, the van driver drove very fast and we are scared! Hahaha..
We reached there around 10am in the morning.. Lol.. Is fast right? It is because we start our journey about 7am and between we still can have the breakfast.
Then we go check in to the hotel!
Hi-tech sangat or I too long din go out to travel.. Now first world hotel can use a kiosk to check in!
Lol.. We are too kampung!
We have our day and at night we watched a movie. After the movie, I stupid tot that my iPhone left in the cinema and go back to search, but cannot find it. I cry and cry, he very man and hug me tight.

And then, he tried to call my phone again in the room. Wtf! Is ringing!!! I'm so happy that I juz stupid and forgot I put on the desk and his cloth cover it! A scary experience!